Boston An independent LDT provider

Immunovia’s Virtual Investor Day

juni 30, 2020

Online-mötet innehåller presentationer av Immunovias Styrelseordförande Carl Borrebaeck, VD Mats Grahn, Chief Commercial Officer Laura Chirica, Senior VP Sales North America Michael Pettigrew, samt Dr. Thomas King, Medical Director, följt av en frågestund.

Immunovia Presentation  – PDF version

0:00  Agenda Virtual Investor Day
3:24  Welcome & Introduction with Carl Borrebaeck
8:46  Company highlights and milestones with Mats Grahn and Carl Borrebaeck
12:50  The IMMray™ Platform and Market overview with Mats Grahn
22:08  Road to Market – Our Strategy with Laura Chirica
47:40  Building Sales organization in the US with Michael Pettigrew
1:05:25 Road to Market from Clinical perspectives with Thomas King
1:08:20 Virtual Lab tour, Marlborough MA, USA with Thomas King
1:12:14  Conclusion with Mats Grahn
1:13:09  Q&A Session